I Come From Brooklyn


I Come From Brooklyn


Marry Me navy was always contrary
She’d never 1) go out on a date 2) give out with a date
But at a swell party she meet a rich smarty who asked her if she’d TeTe Tete
She said now look here this to you may sound queer 1) for your smooth talk I’m not very keen
2) we are strangers so let’s keep it klean
When he told her she bored him she 1) should have ignored him
But instead she said
2) ups and she floored him then she shouted now
Here’s what I mean
I come from Brooklyn
And Brooklyn is out of this world
I Come From Brooklyn
1) you’ll find nobody there is hard-boiled
2) Almost ev’ry one there is hard-boiled
The gals are real pals they don’t need fancy clothes (2) go for sweel clothes
But oh now They send you with
These/Deze them and those
I Come From Brooklyn
And that’s a swell place to come from
Extra Catch Lines:
Whenever a guy wants perfume for his gal
He just fills sup bottle from gowanus canal
I come from Brooklyn and that’s a great place to come from
Don’t act like old codgers and cry in your fear
Leave us root for the Dodgers watch da bums win next year
I come from Brooklyn and that’s a great place to come from
We just heard from Congress we hardly can wait
They’re gonna make Brooklyn the forty-ninth state
I come from Brooklyn and that’s a great place to come from
The major yelled ‘tention there’s rank in this car
The rookie said “Sir I’m as rank as you are”
I come from Brooklyn and that’s a great place to come from
The folks don’t mind jokes they say anything goes
So join in the chors you big so and so’s
I come from Brooklyn and that’s a great place to come from
Yo’ll never feel lonesome the folks you’ll soon know
Every Tom Dick and Harry there calls himself Joe
I come from Brooklyn and that’s a great place to come from



“I Come From Brooklyn,” The Baseball Sheet Music Project, accessed May 18, 2024, https://baseballsheetmusic.omeka.net/items/show/94.