When the Baseball Season's Going I'll Be There


When the Baseball Season's Going I'll Be There


When the baseball season opens with a howl of glee,
And the smell of Springtime is in the air
You will find me in the grandstand, the dear old baseball grand stand
When the baseball season opens I’ll be there
When the baseball season’s going in the full swing,
And our boys are winning, winning ev’ry thing,
You will find me in the grandstand, the dear old baseball grandstand,
When the baseball season’s going I’ll be there
When the season’s almost ended, and the cup’s sin sight,
And we’re howling mad with delight,
You will find me in the grandstand, the dear old baseball grandstand
When the baseball season’s going I’ll be there
When the base ball season’s ended, and the cup is ours,
We will talk the games all over, in the dusky twilight hour
In fancy we’re in the grandstand, the dear old baseball grandstand
When the baseball season’s going we’re always there


Letitia A. Lincoln




Letitia A. Lincoln, “When the Baseball Season's Going I'll Be There,” The Baseball Sheet Music Project, accessed May 17, 2024, https://baseballsheetmusic.omeka.net/items/show/55.